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  1. Take this sample from https://json.org/example.html cat foo.json { "glossary": { "GlossDiv": { "GlossList": { "GlossEntry": { "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "Acronym": "SGML", "GlossDef": { "GlossSeeAlso": [ "GML", "XML" ], "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook." }, "GlossSee": "markup", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", "ID": "SGML", "SortAs": "SGML" } }, "title": "S" }, "title": "example glossary" } } Instead of using JQ or higher-level programming language to recurse and nullify values, you can quickly do the following:

  2. Table stakes grep tr sed awk vi nano git netstat ss lsof Text processing jq gron yq xq ytt pup bat IaaC packer terraform vendir Virtualization kvm libvirt proxmox unraid utm Containers rancher-desktop docker compose docker buildx k3s k8s k3d k9s nomad Other consul vault

  3. $(open http://you.localhost/) 2>&1 > /dev/null ? Recently learned one of my web properties had been put in internet jail, confusingly: only for some users only on chrome it was google -_- Doing evil. No clue what triggered it, google didn’t care to tell. how to fix using the resources below, the issue was quickly resolved https://search.google.com/search-console/ <- for website https://postmaster.google.com/managedomains <- for email The button to request a re-eval didn’t seem to work.

  4. Gem of this earth Inspired the thing Go check him out https://jamessimas.com/ I mean it >:|

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